First Time Buyer Support Ireland

We Make The Journey As Easy As Possible


It’s not easy being a first-time buyer in today’s market, we at Property 24-7 want to make the journey as easy as possible for you.

We commit to empowering you to know all your possible options to make your dreams a reality, we research all possible supports you may be eligible for and have detailed them below here.

Local Authority Home Loan

Previously known as ‘Rebuilding Ireland’ the Local Authority Home Loan is a government-backed mortgage scheme to assist first time buyers with reduced interest rates.

This scheme can be used to buy new and second hand properties or self-builds. The interest rates on your mortgage through this scheme are fixed for the full term of your mortgage, giving you the same repayments for the full loan term.

Am I Eligible?

This government-backed scheme is available to first-time buyers and ‘fresh start’ mortgage applicants between the ages of 18 and 70 years. Fresh start applications are classified as:

  • Anyone who is divorced, separated, or whose relationship has ended and who have no financial interest in the family home.
  • Anyone who has gone through personal insolvency or bankruptcy.

General mortgage rules also apply, you must provide evidence of offers from a minimum of 2 lending institutions and have a satisfactory credit record. See full criteria here.

How Can I Apply?

You may apply through your local authority in person, where you will submit your application form and supporting documents.

Help To Buy – December 2022

This first-time buyer support scheme is tailored towards new-builds and self-builds for properties valued at up to €500K (the property must be for residential purposes only), where you may be eligible for tax refunds of 10% of your home price or up to €30K to towards your deposit.

Am I Eligible?

  • You must be purchasing a new property no older than 1st July 2017.
  • You must be a first time buyer.
  • You must use the property as your live in home.
  • You must be compliant on your taxes.

If you are buying (or self-building) the property with someone else, they must also be a first-time buyer. See full criteria here.

How Can I Apply For Help To Buy Scheme?

PAYE employee’s can apply for the Help to Buy scheme through Revenue’s myAccount service.

For self-assessed taxpayer’s, you can apply through Revenue’s Online Service (ROS).